E Local Listings
Dont use this company u will be scammed too!

Shops, Products, Services

E local listings kept calling finally gave in to their 1 dollar 30 day trial no listing was posted so if u dont want to be ripped off forget this company should of known

Company: E Local Listings
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8002850484
  <     >  


E Local Listing
Charged me even after the account was cancled. Has not returned the money to my account

E-local Listings
E-local listing is calling 30 times per week

411locals.com. 411 Locals
411locals, local 411, Page One Local Listings, 411 Service, 411 Service Net Evades Google Guidelines, Selling Free Product, After Cancelation, Modify your Listing, Charge you after sending Letter Confirming Cancellation

Is a Complete Fraud! Atlanta

EBay, Inc
EBay charges for listing & pulls w/o given reason

Ripoff dishonest bad customer service scam bogus listings outdated useless stupid joke Encino

E LOCAL LISTINGS - elocallistings.com
E LOCAL LISTINGS Just like everyone esle. Fell for yet another online scam. No refund ever given! Elocallistings.com Online

E Local Listings, ELocalListing
Charged My Credit Card Arbitrarily Without Permission

The company did not give me the information I paid for, nor gave a refund

Fake job listings, scam for personal info Columbus