Global Replica
Stole My Money New York and California

Shops, Products, Services

I wish I had found this website before I got ripped off by the same people. I spent 1100 on a watch and got a watch that was completely falling apart.

They have been "supposedly" trying to send me another watch, but it never comes. They don't answer calls, hang up in your face, and make one lie after another when you do get them.

They are still scamming people, as I sent them an email from other accounts and they answer questions and offer to take orders, so BEWARE!

If you have free text messaging on your phone, PLEASE keep texting them and bothering them to stop ripping people off. The more of us that will do it, maybe they will shut down their site so others don't get ripped off.

Here are the numbers:

1 (347) 967-7413 or 1 (917) 239-8426
or 1 (917) 622 0421 and the direct line is 916-316-0510

Please don't be a victim too!!!

Company: Global Replica
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 347967741
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Global Replica
Global replica Ripped me off! I ordered, they sent, I paid COD, wrong watch, I sent back and NOTHING

Global Replica
Global replica is a scam new york new york

Rebate ripoff

Sam Lipoff Aka Global Replicas
Global replica ripped me off

Global Replica
This company is a complete sham and ripoff. Take money and don't provide product. New York New York stole my money refuse to send my watch New York New York
Defective watch, refusal to exchange unless I bought another watch Ripoff

Global Replica
Ripoff not even close


Global Replica
Ripoff cursing can't reach hangs up when I try to get satisfaction