Worst company in America

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Qwest has got to be the worst comapny in america, dealing with them is like banging your head against the wall. To make a long story short, i have on my desk right now 6 bills from qwest for the same phone number and they are all different amounts $ due.

I have called qwest on three seaparate occasions concerning these billings and each time they have done the same thing to me, put me on hold, passed me around to several departments, each department quoted me a different amount due, back on hold and round and round we go.

It is apparant to me that they simply do not have their act together, no one wants to solve this problem so they pass it on to another department, i can't get a straight answer from these people. Qwest the worst company in america

Company: Qwest
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: www.qwest.com
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Qwest - teleseven ripoff! Direct Assist charges fake

After two years of constant erroneous billing mistakes. We've cancelled our account with them

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And esbi. Your Qwest bill might have an extra rip off included!

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