Major Energy
Energy supplier rips off their customers

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Do not enroll with this energy company. They are liars, cheaters, and con artists. They promise their customers a discount on their energy bill, but customers never get the discount. Their rates aren't that low compared to Con Edison or Orange&Rockland. I worked there for a short period and I saw a lot and heard a lot. While I was there, there were a lot of customers who wanted to cancel their service because they didn't see any difference in their bill after they enrolled with Major Energy. And customers didn't see a discount on their bill, which is non-existent.

This company has a lot of customers canceling their accounts for reasons I stated above. Major Energy, like some of the ESCOs (Energy Service Companies) mislead customers and promise discounts and lower rates that these customers never get. They claim to be a big company with a lot of customers. It's all lies. They're a small company that supplies only gas. Most of their customers have canceled their accounts or want to cancel their accounts.

The people in charge over there - Daniel Majors and Mary (Moran) Majors are money hungry Thieves. They'll say or do anything to get customers to enroll with their company. Also, Major Energy is very disorganized. Their telemarketers are located in India. That's right, India. Their customer service representatives are more like Inside salespeople because they have to call customers who cancel or want to cancel their accounts and re-enroll them with the company.

Their enrollment forms look like contracts even though they promise no contracts. Their sales representatives, who do the company's dirty work and go from resident to resident trying to get people to enroll, pass out these booklets that contain inaccurate and false information. One of the booklets I saw stated that Major Energy can save customer's money on their electric and gas bill. This is odd because they do not supply electricity, only gas.

They're very misleading. The company promises no enrollment fees, no monthly charges, no cancellation fees, and no hidden charges. This is not true. There are clearly hidden fees somewhere on the bill because customers are paying much more than they did before they enrolled with the company. Again, do not enroll with Major Energy. If you already have, cancel immediately. You're better off with another ESCO or staying with Con Edison as your Energy deliverer and supplier. Do not enroll with major energy! You've been warned.

Company: Major Energy
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Brooklyn
Address: 1801 86th Street
Phone: 7182341262
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