Demiaka ASG - Charles C Okoro - Steve C Okoro
Does not pay invoices

Shops, Products, Services

Customers, contractors beware of this company/person!

As I am not the first to be scammed by Demiaka ASG. Aka Charles C Okoro, However I was unaware of the person we were dealing with.

This person/company, I cannot determine if this is a company or just a one man show. So I will refer to them as an out-fit. Here is how I was scammed:

On October 15 Demiaka ASG contacted us to do a work order in our local area. I should have been a little more cautious when I received the work order consisting of a site address installation date and a materials list of:
AVAYA Partner ACS 6 Phones. Send correspondence to: 234 5th Avenue 5th Floor. New York New York 1000 a fax & main numbers and thats it. Anyway, I dispatched our nearest tech who installed the complete system, and made the customer very happy and even up sold Demiaka ASG to the customer when asked about further enhancements and needs of the customer. Who also required and additional phone, who knows if they ever got it we certainly told Demiaka ASG about it.

So on 10/22/07 the invoice was faxed and mailed to the correspondence address with our standard 15day terms. All pricing and time estimate were discussed ahead of time with Demiaka ASG and the service was completed within the time discussed. So there are not even any over charges on the invoice.

It is now 1-3-08 NO PAYMENT! Charles, the owner of the company has told me that Sophia will have to handle it. Sophia tells me Charles will have to handle it. Go figure I am out 4 hours of which I already have paid my tech on.

10/12/07: Demiaka ASG calls describes work order, ask if we can do. We fax summary of charges and receive work order from Demiaka ASG.

10/15/07:4 Hours onsite of install work

10/22/07: Invoice & signed WO Mailed.
10/24/07: Invoice & Signed WO Faxed
11/6/07: Due Date
11/15/07: Follow-up Call [I was told check was mailed already]
12/12/07: invoice & Signed WO faxed again
12/17/07: Follow-up call & email to Demiaka ASG (Sophia) Phone Number 800-910-4756
12/21/07: invoice & Signed WO emailed again/follow-up call. Told to call owner Charles C Okoro directly at 212-847-7208. Urgent Message left.
12/21/07: Call returned by Charles C Okoro from his Cell phone at 917-406-7229. Told he cant do anything about it Sophia needs to handle it. Demiaka ASG cant even tell me our address or the check number they used to pay us with.
1/3/08: invoice & Signed WO emailed again

Need more info just "google demiaka asg"

Or other complaints:

Company: Demiaka ASG - Charles C Okoro - Steve C Okoro
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 234 5th Ave 5th Floor
Phone: 9174067229
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