LA Weight Loss
Terrible experience!

Shops, Products, Services

I currently go to LA Weight Loss here in Charlotte, NC. I am not sure if this particular branch is corporately owned or not but I will find out tomorrow and submit an update. It was because of this site that I learned of closings and then further looked into the situation at hand. What an ugly picture this has turn out to be.

I've had a few mishaps with the center I am currently waltzing into 3 days a week. Sadly, few know much about nutrition here and they operate much like a robot, scripted on que. Don't blame them, it was a sales position not a nutritional counselor job applied for on career builder. Keep that in mind. Remember, if you can't help, don't hurt. I learned not to take it out on the counselors because they are just as deceived as the clients are in most cases but not all. However, to those who know what is truly going on and still work there, I have absolutely no respect for you whatsoever. Money is the root of all evil. Greed is currently winning this race but it won't stand up in the long haul. The universe is watching! To sum up my experience would be to pay attention to what is said to you. There's truth in lies.

I was browsing tonight and thought to go to the BBB. I am not sure when this information was submitted but it's there for all to see! And I quote, 'A company spokesman has informed the Bureau that all corporately owned locations will close effective 1/4. Consumers may pick up refund applications and LA Lites orders at any location. Consumers who need additional information may call customer service at:


Or email:

I have been reading prior postings that Pure Weight Loss and LA Weight Loss are two different companies. To set the record straight for those who either don't do their homework or make a hobby out of guessing, this BBB report 'clearly' states that, 'This Business Operates under the Names: LA Weight Loss Centers and Pure Weight Loss'. These are mere wings of truth to set you free of distorted perceptions you harbor in your mind.

Here you will find the url for the BBB on this company. Dc. National=Y&compid=23001399

If the above link happens to not show up for one reason or another, simply type in You will find all the necessary information you need to better assist you in your next plan of action. As consumers, it will be our voice that will matter to Attorney Generals and the news media. Don't be afraid to stand up for your rights and in standing up, you will also be the voice for many. It's in our hands to seek justice. The time is now so act accordingly. The clock is ticking as is universal justice swiftly at work.

I trust this information will hold value to those of you who are on a mission. Uphold the obligation you have to yourself - BE TRUE!

Company: LA Weight Loss
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Horsham
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LA Weight Loss
All corporately owned locations will close effective 1/4! Nationwide

Pure Weight Loss, Family Weight Loss Centers, LA Weight Loss
SAME company, different name! Don't get ripped off twice by this company! Ripoff Nationwide

Pure Weight Loss/LA Weight Loss
Bought plan on 12/4/07, learned compnay is closing ALL of its doors effective 1/4/08

LA-Weight Loss / Pure Weight Loss
LA-Weight Loss/Pure Weight Loss Didn't receive merchandise that was already paid for

La Weight Loss - Pure Weight Loss
La weight loss is a ripoff for clients and employees DO NOT GO THERE RUN! Orland park, la grange, oak lawn, naperville, woodridge illinois

La Weight Loss/Pure Weight Loss/Family Weight Loss
LA Weight/Pure Weight Loss - What a disappointment!

Pure Weight Loss In Lancaster, Pa
Pure Weight Loss shocked employees and shut its doors, scamming many our of their money and terminating 1,200 employees!

Pure Weight Loss, L.A. Weight Loss
I never received my refund for meeting my weight loss goals through completion of program

Pure Weight Loss
Required pre-payment of food bars & weigh in weeks, is all lost

Pure WeightLoss
(LA WeightLoss) Nationwide How much merchandise does Pure WeightLoss owe you? Centers close leaving clients stranded. And Nationwide