Echostar, dishnetwork - Ana Gutierrez
Damaged property in excess of $200.00, unauthorized credit card charges, liesand abitrary and capricious treetment of customers. They totally obuse the credit card advantage

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To Whom It May Concern:

On June 20, my wife, Lajuana and myself, after relizing our ten foot satellite dish was losing programming and fast becoming an antique, decided to change and get a new service provider for our in-house programming.

A friend recommended Dish Network, and we became interested because of their loow starting price. We made the call and on June 25th a Dish Network Installer knocked on oiur door to hook up their service. My wife took him to where all of our equipment was connected and instructed him to connect up at the same terminal that our ten foot dish had been connected. She specifically asked him not to disturb the wiring configuration we had in place as everything was working as good as ever.

We had an outside antenna to eliminate interference as well as a DVD player and two VHS players connected to a channel plus box routed to two locations in our house. Also, in this network was the ten foot dish we were haaving to replace.

My wife did not stand over the installer to watch him work. She chose to work outside in our garden until he was finished. When she came baack to check on him, she discovered he had disconnected everything except the Dish Network receiver he installed. Nothing worked except his receiver.

He informed her that Dish Network would allow us to watch the local channels through their receiver for an extra $5.00 a month.

I discovered the following weekend, when the man I hired to reconnect what was destroyed by Dish Network, that my antenna wire was also cut on the roof and removed.

I was furious and the correspondence between Dish Network and us began.

We were also disappointed to learn the one-time charge to my wife's credit card turned out to be numerous as well. We informed Discover that under no circumstances were they allowed to make more charges to our account. Discover, along with Dish Network were a huge disappointment. More unauthorized charges were billed even though Discover said they would not let it happpen.

Enclosed is some of the written correspondence between the Better Business Bureau and Dish Networkk.

The arrogance of the Dish Network representatives prompted me to warn them about the possibility of the sign in my yard. L They chose not to believe me. We have yet to receive any compensation for the damage they inflicted on our property. This is not over. As I told them in a letter, we are not goi8ng to bleed in private.

P.S. We have a sign in our front yard (4'x8') warning neighbors of their business tactics. Also the same sign in being displayed in the back of my truck. If you go to, then to you can view and read everything.

Company: Echostar, dishnetwork - Ana Gutierrez
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Englewood
Address: 9601 S. Meridian Blvd
Phone: 7205147159
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