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In August I had had enough of the poor service provided by Sprint so I called to express my dissatisfaction to the customer service rep. After explaining why, I requested that they cancel my service.

I was told that I would have to pay a $200 termination fee. I told her and the supervisor that I had no intention of paying the $200 termination fee since I was terminating due to cause.

The reason for termination is as follows: My wife travels regularly to S.C. From Winston-Salem, N.C. She carries her Sprint cell phone. The purpose of the visit is to see her elderly Mother in Andrews, S.C. She has made many trips with this phone and invaribly she can never get service after she crosses the S.C. State line and the lack of service continues at Andrews and until her return to NC. She travels route 220, US 1, and 41. The purpose of the phone is primarily for her security on the road alone.

We also travel to New Bern, N.C. Once a month. Via route 421 and 64 through Raleigh. We always have spotty coverage from Greensboro and Raleigh.

On Oct 10th we switched to Alltel and since then my wife has made a trip to S.C. And we have made a trip to New Bern and our experience was total access with Altel.

I have writen Sprint and expalined the above and told them I had no intention of paying the termination fee. I sent copies of my letter to all three credit reporting companies and Better Business Bureau in Winston-Salem

I have not had any reponse to my letter except the continued billing with added late charges.

I have the top score in my credit rating and told them that no one would believe that I did not pay a bill I rightly owe.

After checking the compaints against Sprint on usacomplaints.com I found that there were almost one thousand complaints against Sprint. I checked Alltel and found only five.

My experience with Sprint seems to be shared by many.

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Kansas City
Address: P.O. Box 219554
Phone: 8008081336
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