Charter Communications
Mis-Billing, horrid customer service, poor quality

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Lets just say I could rant about the abomination cursed upon this world known as Charter Communications until the trumpets blowing and horses are running around the sky.

I am repeatedly mis-billed, you ALWAYS have to double check what they are trying to charge you. I once had to argue tooth and nail with customer service because when I signed up for my plan during a special (Expanded Cable and Internet for ~68/month for the first 6 months 90/month there after) My first bill arrived - 220.00.

For ONE month, thats what they planned on charging me. I had to threaten and speak to 6 different people to get it fixed, everyone just sounded confused. They refused to check the phone record when I originally signed up for the service (I knew they record it, they tell you they record it).

My signal is constantly going out. OnDemand is less on demand and more frigid dominatrix constantly getting errors and just shutting off for days at a time. "Refreshing catalog try again in 5 minutes" my butt. Try again in 5 days is more like it.

I get unexpected charges on my bill which I couldn't have made, nor make any sense most of the time. It's sad but I almost feel less confused then there customer service reps - and thats just sad.

Furthermore they had to nerve to send me to collections for a bill I didn't pay for two months because I moved, my roommate moved, we canceled the service we even brought them back there modem, this is the SAME time that I was charged for internet for 4 months which the cable guy did not set up properly and was unusable. I complained, but it wasn't fixed so and I, in my prefer to be as nice to people as possible while they are working because I don't like being messed with at work phone attitude that to start arguing. It got to the point where I had to fight with them to simply check that there was no bandwidth being used in my apartment, no cable what-so-ever and that yes, I needed it I'm in school, but no, they never set it up.

Honestly, if you can help not doing business with Charter, it's in your own best interest I promise. It's like a relationship with someone who looks amazing, but is dumb as bricks... And I hate to put down such a solid foundation as bricks. It's alright at first, but it fades hard and in the most annoying way possible.

Company: Charter Communications
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Madison
Address: 2701 Daniels St
Phone: 6082743822
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