A Cut Above
Non payment and tax fraud! Beware we are not the only ones he has done this to! Bozeman

Shops, Products, Services

My son Chris worked for A Cut Above for one month, July 10th to August 10 and has never been paid! He tried several times to get his money and then had to come back home for football practice. The day he left he worked half a day and Jason got his address and told him they would send him a check for all they owed in two weeks. Never happened, we have contacted the tax people and the IRS, still no money. They didn't even file a W-4 for Chris so they are involved in tax fraud as well.
Jeanne (Jason's wife and office manager) filed a false report to the police that I called her from Bozeman Walmart and threatened her, a totally false accusation, I have not been in the Bozeman walmart for 3 years. The first time I contacted her was several months later on my cell phone from work. I live in Hamilton, Mt about 4 hours away. I have contacted them twice since then, once today and I get very upset with them because of the situation. They tell me they are going to mail a check and then never do, nothing but lies!!! I will go after them for this money mostly because of the principle of the matter, what kind of people do not pay kids???!!!
The IRS knows they didn't file a W-4 and from what I understand they are getting audited, but still refuse to pay. These people have no morals whatsoever, my son was sixteen at the time, I guess they figured they could rip off a kid, How sad.

Company: A Cut Above
Country: USA
State: Montana
City: Belgrade
Address: 805 Iowa St
Phone: 4065825488
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