Cr England
Get canned for log after working for 1 year no lates no acc, and no tikits

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I have benn working for england for 1 year had no problems tell they came out with haveing to log fuel stops they said i was loging my fuel fuals. To make the story short they termated me. I cam off hme time and was told that my logs was at a leval 2 so i thouts that they finly got it fixed, but when i got to the yard i was told that i had 1 hr to get my truck cleaned out and get off the propty. So i had to rent a u hail to get me home and my stuff also 10 min before fire me they gave me my 15000 mile safty award at that the s!!!

Company: Cr England
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: West Salt Lake
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CR England
My husband was promised to get a job with them after he went through the training. After he completed the training, CR England forced him to buy their old truck and told him that this is the only way

C R England
Will ruin your career in a heartbeat!

CR England
No pay, not allowed to go home

CR England
Going broke slowly as a co. Driver for england

CR England Logistics
CR England Trucking, CR England Logistics ripped me off, stripped naked

Cr England
They lied on my dac say i abandoned my truck

C.R. England
Lease Scam Unethical Company Needs to be sued and fined

Cr England

Cr England
Don't lease until you read this and understand what will really happen!

C R England INC. Driving School