Thinks you're stupid wooo-hooo wooo-ha-hooo wooo-hooo wooo-ha-hooo

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Like the Vonage Ad says, people do stupid things, like, subscribing to their service.

#1. If you try to get your "old phone number" transferred to Vonage, or, vice versa, good luck. Took me 3 months and I had to pull the plug on my old phone number to get service with Vonage, or, I could have waited around for another few months with endless phone calls to both Verizon and Vonage, who, won't play nice with each-other in the sand box, and the customer gets screwed in the process. Can't we all just get along??? Apparently not. And here's why:

My out of state relatives tried to do the opposite and already were in week two without phone *service. I told them to cancel Vonage, give up their old number that they've had for years, and consider themselves lucky that they only went 2 weeks without phone service when they switched to Verizon's FIOS.

#2. Oh, and, try to cancel with Vonage. Just try it. Here's what I went through, and what my family went through amidst hundreds of placed phone calls. The excuses included:

*They won't cancel your account if you call on Sunday, Customer Care dept. Only in M-F

*Computers are down, can't pull up your account.

*Sorry Mrs. Smith, your husband ordered the account and we need to speak to him, not you. (I actually pretended to be my Mom's husband to get their account cancelled — how could they prove I wasn't? Fly through the phone and take a blood sample?)

*We keep charging you because your account is "active"... No, we have no records indicating that you called 2 months ago to cancel. We're happy to slam you with a cancellation fee, and, not reimburse you a dime for the months you were charged and not using our service.

Want to learn more about their criminal practices and their partners, take a read of this:

Buyer beware.

Alias anonymous
brooklyn, New York

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Holmdel
Phone: 8007151075
Site: vonage.com
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Cancelled Vonage May 8 when I got Charter. Vonage still billing Ripoff internet


Ripoff people by continung to charge fees, even after following procedures to cancel and now I am getting a collection notice. Ripoff Internet

Do not do business with Vonage - Buyer Beware

VONAGE customer service


Gave my Vonage number away without notice, kept billing, charged me to cancel

Vonage VOIP Telephone Co
Vonage VOIP Telephone ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Disconnection fee

Vonage customer service - Vonage Service