FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
FEMA Says I Do Not Live IN MY HOME— Refuses to Help! Ripoff

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My home was one of the ones damaged by the rain, high winds and rising flood waters in Central Texas. The storms happened from May until July 4.

After asking Red Cross for assistance went anywhere, I contact FEMA. They sent a guy out from Minnesota and apparently he doesn't know about the tropical humidity that we have after a storm here in Texas —how quickly mold, fungus grow on everything... Also that there were holes made in the roof from the rain and when the big tree branches fell on the roof of my house and it COLLAPSED in places. I can see the stars now and so can the mosquitos who come in to bite me along with the blood drinking flies, brown recluse and blackwidow spiders, fire ants, biting roaches, etc.

I don't know if I will EVER be able to get enough money to clean it up. It was already vandalized when some guys shot out windows, kicked the door (removed the door entirely off its hinges and took it away fo its aluminum content, presumeably), took some furniture out in the yard and burned it. I burned some too after it got mildew and mold on it because of the rain.

People are complaining about the FEMA trailers. I wrote to my Congressman and asked him if I could please have a FEMA trailer since nobody I know in Texas has one yet TO MY KNOWLEDGE. These trailers are just rotting in Arkansas somewhere and I sure could put one to good use! It's not like it would be going to waste the way they are now.

Well, the Congressman's staffers told me to wait for the FEMA report and I could hear them LAUGHING AT ME before I requested a trailer. The call taker was laughing so hard, she had to put me ON HOLD!

I got the FEMA report back and the guy from Minnesota said THAT I DO NOT LIVE IN MY OWN HOME! And they denied me ANY assistance.

Why do they have those trailers if they aren't meant to help people who have been dislocated in a disaster???

Maybe the conspiracy theorists are right that those trailers are being stockpiled because they are going to be use to imprison and house dissidents.
They don't appear to be HELPING people who NEED them!

The guys at FEMA told me to get a licensed construction general contractor and have them look at my house and make a report and send it to FEMA and they would reconsider the matter but IF THEY SAY I DON'T LIVE IN MY OWN HOUSE, then HOW WILL THIS CHANGE ANYTHING???

THE ONLY THING I CAN TELL THAT THIS WILL DO WILL BE TO PROBABLY GET ME ON AN "ENEMIES' LIST" FOR FUTURE LISTING AS A TERRORIST or something. Even though I am just an older American citizen who doesn't make much money!

I guess I will call my Congressman back and ask them to FORGET ABOUT ANY AID FOR ME... That is if I can stomach that braying, yahooing and ha ha ha-ing, laughing hyena on the other end of the phone.

And my tax dollars pay for this???

This is the SECOND ANNIVERSARY of Katrina and so far, none of my African American acquaintances who survived it have received very much help from FEMA.

I will remember this insult at the polls.

Except I don't think the Democrats are much better. It is the same brand of poison with labels "Republican" and "Democrat" outside only it doesn't make a difference who you elect if you are restricted to just those TWO POLITICAL PARTIES!

All of the politicians who really knew what it was like to WORK for a living and go HUNGRY and HAVE A JOB are apparently dead or dying or retiring and this new bunch of elite upper socioeconomic Brahmins (YUPPIES) likes to see the rest of us untouchables IN OUR PLACE, grovelling...

Vote these people out of office!

Company: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: 500 C Street SW
Phone: 8006213362
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