Capital Payment Systems
Ripoff Took money out of my bank account without my consent

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On June 8 I checked my bank account to find that $299.00 had been electronically taken out of my account. They used an electronic check which did not require my signature. Just my name printed on the check. I immediatley asked the bank to give me the info of who did this and I got a 877 phone number. I called that number and confronted them with what had happened and wa told that they would refund my $299.00 but it would take 10-15 business days. I waited the 15 days to see if I was going to receive my money and as suspected I did not. I instantly started researching this company and found that they are in El Paso Texas and that they had deposited my money that they took out of my account into their bank in new mexico. I did further investigation on my own and discovered that this company is a real company. They are affiliated with Nationwide Consulting Services. This company is not a real compnay. Nationwide consulting services is suppose to deal with governmant grant but does not.instead they take your money and do nothing for you.

To anyone out there who thinks that they may be getting a governmant grant but has to pay a fee first, DON'T DO IT!!! Any real governmant grant company will end in. Gov and they do not require you to pay money. I kept calling CPS to try and get my money and never got anywhere. Finally On Monday 8-20 I got a hold of the manager from Capital Payment Systems and told him that I was suppose to receive a refund of $299.00 about a month agao and never received it. I told the manager that if I did not receive my money by Friday 8-24 then I would be seeking legal help and I would be taking him and everyone affiliated with that company to court. He told me he would overnight my money and I should receive my check in the mail on 8-21 sometime. On 8-21 I didn't receive my check, but that was okay. I gave it to Friday and today 8-22 A guy driving a DHL truck showed up at my door with my check for $299.00!

I instantly took the check to my bank to make sure it was real and it was. My advice is to keep calling. When you get a hold of someone ask to speak to the manager. When you talk to the manager explain your situationa dninform them that you to will seek legal action if you don't receive your money in a few days. You have to be firm on what you say and really stick to it. Good Luck to all

Company: Capital Payment Systems
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: El Paso
Address: 1790 N. Lee Trevino Dr. STE. 504
Phone: 8664459016
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CPS Nationwide Consulting Services
Capital Payment Systems LLC CPS Nationwide Consulting Services, fraud, rip-off, Bear DE, Capital Payment Systems, Bank of Texas, Fort Worth TX

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Nationwide Consulting Services
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Nationwide Consulting
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