, Just Our, Just Our $595.00 later with 4 years left on our contract and their office is empty! Now What!?

Shops, Products, Services

After the birth of our third child and constant offerings from family members and strangers alike that our kids should do some form of modeling, we finally responded to the mailings we received from We made an appointment and was interested to find out if our kids actually had what it takes to be child models. We were really excited!

While in the office, we met one of their "screeners" to see if our kids met their standards. They were very entusiastic about our children, but only signed on one of our three. They then told us about the fee and the installment plan. They also informed us of the option of adding our other children at a later time for a fee of $99 each.

After the papers were signed, we were given a very profession looking folder with forms and news clippings all pertaining to the legitimacy and high-standings that this company had. My husband and I are rather skeptical by nature and we were completely snowed.

We were really excited about our youngest child's prospects of fame and the ability to pad his college fund when jobs came our way. Within a few months of signing the contract and getting the pictures taken and put on the website, we were up in NY for a cattle call for babies to be in the next Enfamil ad compaign. If there were any questions as to the legitimacy of this company, they dissolved once job offers/auditions started coming our way.

It wasn't until this week (Aug. 2007) that I heard the news about the office being emptied out, no way to get a hold of anyone, and/or the web site seems to be defunct. I was contacted by to update my child's photos for the web site. I went to my designated studio and anxiously awaited the shots. I have always been satisifed with the pictures that were taken.

After receiving the proofs, I called my photographer to notify them that I was returning the proofs when they informed me about another client's findings. This other mother apparently tried to call the Cherry Hill office on rte. 70 several times. After no success, she went to the office and found it vacant. She asked the neighbor in the office next door (who's a lawyer and their landlord) and he said that they up and left one night and he's out rent as well.

My question now is what do I do? It seems that I am out $595 and I still have almost four years on my contract. I am only glad that we did not go back and have our other kids added on after teeth grew in and their temperment calmed. Actually, the latter I am still waiting for.

Any suggestions that could be sent my way would be great. Right now, embarrassment and frustration seems to be the way we are feeling about this situation. This was a pretty elaborate scam but I feel that there should have been some better policing or something. I really want to try and recoup the money that is due to me as well as some piece of mind that my child's and my family's personal info is not being sold or shopped around to the next thief.

Cinnaminson, New Jersey

Company:, Just Our
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Cherry Hill
  <     >  


Ripoffs me off monthly by keeping my child support checks - Just Our Kids RipOff,,, Larry Bagwell is a scam! I signed a contract and paid a "management" fee in June. They had filed for bankruptcy in Feb
L. Bagwell, Steve Anthony Child Modeling Scam

Ad Kids

Support Kids
I was also duped by Support Kids - aka just not representing my beautiful traffic stopping child a waste of time pure bull!
Nta Kids I have also been ripped off by -
We took our newborn to be seen by a director and paid 595.00 USD and were sent to a photographer which we paid and have never heard from again