Inventech/Invention Technologies Inc
Inventech - Invention Technologies ripoff deceptive liars thieves heartless people who take advantage of trusting citizens And Miami

Shops, Products, Services

I was trying to get an idea which I came up with patented and saw the television commercial of Inventech. They were on the Better Business Bureau so I thought I would give it a shot.

I took the 1000.00 that I had in savings and invested it with them to get a start up kit. They sent me a kit which basically had information about the company itself and a generic picture of the invention which I had told them about.

They began telling me that they would put my product into some shows for marketing. This way we could see if any companies would be interested in buying it or starting production on it.
Weeks went by and I never heard anything.

I continued to try to contact them. Mr. Roberts was the person who I was dealing with. He told me that in order for this to go any further that I would have to invest some more money.

He stated that I needed to come up with about 9 thousand dollars to even begin a product marketing campain which would include trade shows and liturature. This was by his opinion the best and fastest way to get my product out there. I told him that I could only come up with 6 thousand and that I would have to borrow it from someone.

He stated that I had a great idea and was sure that I was going to make that money back. So I borrowed the money and sent it by cashiers check because Mr. Roberts stated that it would speed up the process. He said that if I sent it by personal check there would be a delay and that my product would not be ready in time. He said the next trade show was just days away and he really wanted to get my product out into the public.

I was lied to over and over. Stupidlly I believed that because they were a part of the BBB and they advertised on television for so many years that I could trust them. They took my money and never did what they said they were going to do. I never got an actual product which I was promised. They never helped me with the patent as they promised.

This company is a royal scam and should not be aloud to advertise and continue to lie to the public. They have taken my money and many others money. This is not to mention those who have not come out to tell thier stories.

Company: Inventech/Invention Technologies Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 5700 St. Augustine Rd
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Ripoff dishonest fraudulent advertising

Invention Technologies - Inventech - Invent-Tech
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Inventech, Invention Technologies
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Not Totally Upfront