York Photo Labs
YorkPhoto deleted my pictures

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I submitted more than 100 high-resolutions (~5MB) wedding images in April to York Picture. The caliber of the images were very good, much better than WinkFlash I believe, the colour is hotter, they used Kodak paper.

BUT, should you purchase lot at the same time, be anticipate the fringe of a lot of your images can get bended simply because they deliver the images in inexpensive slim covers. I wrote them a problem notice, got no reaction.

After I recorded in yesterday, I then found out THAT 600MB pictures I submitted are ELIMINATED!!! I actually donot understand if York Picture removed them since I'm applying an excessive amount of its room or since I delivered them a problem notice or just since the host failed and removed my picture. That is truly frightening. I spent nights choosing the pictures and importing them. Truly annoyed. Delivered them another problem notice, don't believe I'll get any reaction this time around...

Company: York Photo Labs
Country: USA
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Crappy user interface, unreliability of transfe

York Photo Labs
Cost for just two sets

Fotolia Blocked Account

Lost pictures, poor customer service!

York Photo Labs
Terrible service, fraudulent!


Patricia Leonard Photography
Wedding Pictures

Getty Images
Sending letters demanding money and making false claims

Do not use this company

I would never order from them again because the customer service is shockingly bad