Rainbow Financial Trust
A Subsidiary Of Rainbow Light award winning notification letter with a check for 2985.20 ripoff

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I recieved a letter stating that I won 95,000.00 and inclosed was a check for 2985.20 that was to cover administration fees. The letter said to call them before depositing the check. I did, many times, left messages on voice mail.

On 8-1-07 i spoke to Adrianan Jackson whom said that I did in fact win the money the letter stated and I would now be ok to deposit the check, at no time did they ask me to send them back any money. She said that I would recieve a letter within 30 days with info on the balance of my winnings.

Today my teller at my bank stated that the check was being sent back for lack of funds. My account in now almost 500.00 over drawn and there are more check s pending. I am unable to get ahold of anyone at the Rainbow company. My husband will be so upset that I cant even bear to think what he will say, not to mention that I just lost my job due to layoffs and we are broke. What do I do? How do I get my money back? Please help.

Company: Rainbow Financial Trust
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Brooklyn
Address: 1730 46th Street
Phone: 8888321128
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United Trust and Finance Inc. I recieved a letter stating that I won 250,000.00, enclosed was a check for $4885.00 which was deducted from my winnings, I had to call first, then send them $2985.00 thru moneygram or western union