S.A.S. Studios AGENCY - Shawn Anthony
Ripoff Fraud ripping off people on false information!

Shops, Products, Services

Okay, So here is the story. I moved to California back in Aug. 05 to pursue acting and modeling. I was approached online on myspace by someone who was with the S.A.S. Agency in Newport Beach. She said she would love for me to come in and set up and appointment with the company to see about having them represent me and go to a audition that they had for a "Disney" film. I went in and met with Shawn Anthony who told me that I would be great for the agency but I needed to get more pictures done for my portfolio. Which I knew was bull because I had just put a great one together and so I said I know I don't need to do that. He then said "well, you do need to get some ZED cards, so that we can sumbit you for jobs". I then purchased 200 Zed cards for $200 dollars. Which I demanded that I recieve 20 of them for my own personal use.

After making me pay for the shipping at a well inflated price he sent them to me. I never heard anything else from them. I then after about 6 months of not hearing back from them contacted them and said that I wanted my money back. Of course, Shawn Anthony got on the phone and said that he couldn't do that. He said that he would see why I hadn't gotten called. He gets back on the phone and says "Matt, you are showing unactive in my computer. That is why you haven't been called" and then said "I will switch it right now. You shouldn't have a problem now". I wait and I wait and never hear from them. I finally called them today after 1 1/2 years and talking to another model that said she had been screwed by them too. Shawn Anthony talked to me again and this time he looked up my information and said that I was listed as inactive again. Saying that I must have not responded to a call for and audition or something (Which I know I didn't miss). He then said well I tell you what I will send you on an audition on the 21st of July for a film called "Last Generation" it is a christian film for Disney.

I then asked why it was that I hadn't heard from him ever and he said that he has over 3000 clients and it is hard to keep up with everyone. He then said that he has so many clients he didn't even know that the one on the cover of the magazine he was looking at was one of his clients. He continues and says that it was only because of her tatoo could he tell it was Jessica Beil and she was one of the people that he represented. Lol I can't believe this guy. So... I say okay well since I talked to you I have been cast as leads in 4 different feature films and have modeled for a number of different clients so I know I am marketable. I then asked what was the link to his IMDB.com (Internet Movie Database) page. Which ANYONE in the business would know what that website is. He says "what? What is that?" I said if you producing movies like you are claiming to me right now then it will tell you on there because everything you work on will post on there without you personally loading it. He then starts saying "I feel like you are attacking me. Do you have any reason to call other than attack me?". I said just tell me one of these movies that you have actually worked on so that I can look you up on IMDB.

After that he starts getting really upset and says that I need to think about the way I am treating him and be ashamed of it. He even tried to pray with me for me on the phone. I then asked where I could have my attorney send a letter to him at. He said in New York! Lol I said okay what address could he send it to. He said looking it up and hung up on me. Please if anyone reads this. I have since built my resume on my own and know what a loser and scammer this guy is. Please don't do anything with this company or man! He is a fraud and no worth doing business with. If you would like to know more about me then check out my myspace at I would love to help you out with any FREE advice if I can!

Van Nuys, California

Company: S.A.S. Studios AGENCY - Shawn Anthony
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newport Beach
Address: 2901 W. Coast Hwy. #200
Phone: 9492509999
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