Health Care Advantage
They had me fill out a application when I was not ready and took money out of my account

Health & Medicine

I had requested information on health care from these people over the computer and then a guy name shawn called. I had a talk with him about there health care plan, I told him that I didn't have the money to pay for it right now and that we were waiting on a check my husband was recieving and when we recieve it I would call him back.

So I set a date when I was possibly going to recieve it, well the day came and I didn't get it so I called him and told him that and I would call at the end of the week so possibly we would have it. Well a few day's went by and we still didn't get it so I called back again because I wanted to make sure shawn knew we were still interested but we still didn't get the check.

So he pulled a shot he told me that if I were to wait any longer the rates would go up and I told him that I would have to take that chance because I couldn't afford it right now. So he told me why don't we just do up a application now so I would at least have that on file and when we were ready we could do the rest then. So like the fool I believed him and went ahead and did it, when we were finished he told me that he was going to put me through to a varifyer and what ever i do say yes to everything even when she asks me do i have enough funds in my account.

I asked him again are you sure you's won't take nothing out? He said no not until you call me and I'll make sure they hold it until you do. So stupid me said ok. I went through the varifyer and said yes to everything and as I was going through it I felt alittle uneased about it so I called shawn again and asked are you sure they won't cash out? He said no they can't untill you have the funds in there. So a few day's later I come to find out they took it out, with out my say so.

Needless to say I was pissed! So I called them back and talked to the manager Anthony and told him that I wanted my money back and told him what shawn had did. He started off by saying that I was claiming that shawn was doing something illegal and that he could get fired. I told him that I didn't want to do that I just want my money back and he said we can't have people working here if they do that so he would do an investigation on shawn for a week and he would call me back to let me know if he did it to someone else.

I told him that he screwed me out of money and regardless I want it back because I don't have the money to throw away and it was bad enough that my son was making his first communion and I needed what money i had to pay for that. So he gave me a phone number to this place that handles the money situationand I should talk to them about getting my money back, so I did, I called them and told them all about it.

Well a couple weeks later they sent us a letter saying that they were able to only give me back 99.95 and was keeping $100.00 dollars for the application. For one, the application fee was only 39.95 and also it said that we had a three day grace period to cancel after the money is taken out and get a full refund back, which during my conversation with shawn he failed to tell me that.

They had me recorded and it shows even with the verifyer she never mentioned it either. Anthony never called back, so we called him and had a huge argument with him, the uncaring basterd that he is still refuses to give our full refund back! So we told them that we would give them a bad report on them and we would go through the papers, tv, and web sight. He said he didn't care because he probably thinks we were blowing hot air, but the best part is he know's we are right with our claim but still want's to RIP US OFF!!!

Company: Health Care Advantage
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Plantation
Address: 861 S. w. 78th Avenue Suite 200
Phone: 9544537450
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