National Magazine Exchange (NME)
Sweepstakes, Collection, Fraud

Shops, Products, Services

Back in October I received a notice in the mail about a sweepstakes. Enter to win money! What hard up for money college student would turn that down? I sure didn't! So I called this company to enter. Basically I was baited into buy some magazine subscription. And I was told I had 30 days to cancel.

30 days later I called NME to cancel my account because I could no longer afford to pay them. I was then told by the "customer service" representative that I was too late and that I owed them $200.

I called a few days later to cancel, the rep told me that I needed to pay $65 in order to cancel my account. So I did. He then gave me a cancellation number and I thought I was in the clear.

A few weeks later I received a bill for $200 that needed to be paid. I called the "customer service" representative again to get this all cleared up. He told me that I didn't cancel my account and that I was still carrying a balance. I asked him what I needed to do to get this fixed. He said he could reduce my monthly payments to $22 per month for three months to fix the error. And I thought that was over with.

I got another call from NME in April about renewing my services with them. I said no. Apparently they still had my credit card on file and they said they would just charge my card but my card had expired. My credit card expired and I didn't get a new one yet because my account had been sold to a larger bank. I just said please cancel this account, I thought I was all clear with any charges and balances I had.

A few days ago I received yet another piece of mail from NME. This time it was a collection notice telling me I need to pay my account otherwise I would get a mark on my credit and my account would be sent to collection! I cancelled the account in the first place because I'm going through some financial hardships with school and I need to save where I can.

Apparently NME does not know the meaning of "no" or "cancel my account." My collection notice states that I still owe about $70 to them. I am completely confused about this. I cancelled all the way back in November and I cannot get rid of the bills and calls from them!

I thought it was just a harmless sweepstakes.instead it has turned into an eight month nightmare with calls and bills! It seems as if everytime I pay I end up oweing more. I keep getting magazines I never ordered, but apparently I must pay for them.

Never again. This has made me very upset. This company needs to be investigated before anyone else falls for their ploys.

Company: National Magazine Exchange (NME)
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 16120 US 90 North PO Box 9083
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National Magazine Exchange
Sent me a pink notice in the mail, saying that they are trying to reach me regarding the $2,100, 000.00 sweepstakes

National Magazine Exchange
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