American Liesure Card, First American Leisure, Platinum Mastercard
Ripped me off and Now we are going to get even ripoff fraud business

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I received a call about 15 days ago and it was for a credit card offer and I decided to for the first time listen to what they had to say instead of just hanging up-BIGGEST MISTAKE of MY DAY! Im going to be getting married soon so the $2000.00 credit limit sounded *to good to be true, imagine that right!?!?! It was a "platinum mastercard, $2000.00 credit limit, $10.00 monthly payments, and they would report your good credit to Equifax.

Well being a mother and single for a good part of my life I was trying to rebuild credit and of course they jumped on the chance to say that to me. Basically now my account has overdrawn by 300.00 because of them. All do to the fact that I didn't get the card therefore ASSumed they didn't approve my application and wouldn't take the money out. Well once again I was wrong.

Please dont get scammed by these people. Do yourself a favor if you ever get a call from a "credit card" company just hang up and then wonder what it would have been about.instead of listening and talking yourself into it. After many calls back to the company and such they took the money out of my account yesterday and when i call the 800 number the business has been shut down and suspended. Great right!

Well, yes but where is my money and the other peoples money. Probably paying for some jackass to live in the unbelieveably huge houses here in FL. But I live close enough that I can go visit them and just stop by maybe apply for a job and see where it gets me. So when I go to sue these people I can have sufficent evidence

St Petersburg, Florida

Company: American Liesure Card, First American Leisure, Platinum Mastercard
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Largo
Address: 801 West Bay Drive
Phone: 8005874152
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First American Leisure Card
Ripoff, lied about credit card services, debited my account 199.00. I have received nothing from this company. Deceptive company

First American Leisure Card (Mastercard)
First American Leisure Card Mastercard ripoff consumer fraud ripoff deceptive company

First American Leisure Card, AKA American Leisure
First American Leisure Card (aka) American Leisure Card ripoff liars victimized us screwed others too

Ripoff - Platinum Card credit limit 10,000 with a $37 annual fee

First American Leisure Card aka American Leisure Card aka Peter J. Porcelli, CEO
Consumer fraud ripoff

American Credit Solutions
Ripoff ripped off and scammed

FALC First American Leisure Card
Ripoff fraud business

First American Leisure Card

First American Leisure Card
Ripoff scam artisit take innocent peoples money ripoff business from hell

1st American Leisure Card, Peter J Porcelli, CEO
1st American Leisure Card AKA American Leisure Credit Card AKA First American Financial Credit Card AKA First American Leisure Card, another Peter J. Porcelli ripoff