Pioneer First Visa

Shops, Products, Services

We were tring to rebuild our credit and thought it would've been a good idea to get this credit card to do it. So far they've e-mailed us twice, but when tring to contact them their web page would not come up. They have also taken $149.95 electronicly from our bank account. So if any one knows how we can get our money back let us know.

leesbrug, Ohio

Company: Pioneer First Visa
Country: USA
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Pioneer Media LLC
Fraudulent charge on my VISA credit card $11.89 Anywhere

Pioneer Media
Unauthorized billing

Pioneer first
Dirty ripoff liars utah

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Debit Credit card fraudulent charge on My VISA card. $10.29

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Pioneer Credit Recovery, inc Pioneer Credit Recovery will not do payment plan unless I have checking account

Pioneer Media LLC 000-0000000 MA
Unauthorized use of my Visa Credit Card

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Pioneer Media Llc
Unauthorized Visa Charge

Pioneer Media
Visa Fraud

USA Credit, and First American Platium
USA Credit & First American Platium ripoff, not authorized to take out of my account causing my account to be overdrawn ripoff con-artists took us for all we had