TigerDirect / OnRebate.com
Long time to get rebate

Shops, Products, Services

After several months of correspondence now, TigerDirect's sister company ONRebate.com confirmed that i will get the rebate back. I had posted message under "Poor After Sale service" in complaint board. It took long time to get the $100 rebate.

Company: TigerDirect / OnRebate.com
Country: USA
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OnRebate rebate ripoff

Tigerdirect Rebates ripoff, TigerDirect Rebates

TigerDirect.com - OnRebate.com
TigerDirect.com rip-off! They use OnRebate.com who refuses to provide rebate promised

TigerDirect And Onrebate.com
Rebate Scam The rebate check bounced and now I'm out $70!

TigerDirect, onrebate.com ripoff dishonest fraudulent rebates

Tigerdirect OnRebate
Did not honor the rebate Miami FL

Tiger Direct - OnRebate
OnRebate a total RippOFF in bed with TigerDirect! Rebate ripoff

OnRebate did not honor advertised $70 Rebate

TigerDirect, MST Rebate Center
Ripoff: No Rebate Sent. Almost an year now

Onrebate.com Tigerdirect.com
Onrebate.com And Tigerdirect.com Misleading sales practices by tigerdirect and onrebate lure the unsuspecting