Supra Telecom
NEW JACK INSTALLATION the business that doesn't give a dam MIAMI, FT. Lauderdale

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This is my complaint e-mail to them. Still no answer.

I spoke to sonia sinclair last week, (she said she was a supervisor) when i was having a problem trying to schedule my appointment for either day or night. She gave me her extension 6200, and told me to select option 9 first and then the extension. I have left several messages and so far she has not returned my call.

Subject: att: manager - repair complaint

Please forward this e-mail to a responsible Manager.

After going through hell when I called last week for an installation of a new jack in my Florida Room.

The rudest supervisor finally AGREED to let me know if my appointment would be either in the morning (4 hour frame) or in the afternoon. I never thought this would be an outrageous request, considering I need to go to work and I didn't want to miss the whole day.

This supervisor agreed only after saying he had to put me on hold since he was already in the middle of "something" NOT ACCEPTABLE! Later he came back on the line and we agreed for the afternoon.

The installation man came out yesterday to my house and I arranged for my daughter to come to my house with her babies, so that someone would be home.

The supervisor had said that he would need to send a contractorin order to "accommodate" my need to know the time frame of my appointment.

The installation man was at my house almost three hours.
When I got home I found that he made a decoration on the outside wall in the back of my house, which is only three years old, and does not have any cabling whatsoever on the wall.

He pull the line from the jack that was already in the kitchen to the outside of the house, ran the cable across half the house to the end of the house, then went around the house, and finally drilled a hole on the wall to get the cable inside to where he installed the new jack.
I need this work fixed professionally, meaning no cables showing whatsoever.

All added installation by other companies that I have done to my house after being built (Direct TV, Electricians) have been done inside the walls. They go to the attic, etc.

I am sure you are very well aware of how a job should be done.

Please contact me as soon as possible to take care of this matter. I already spent two hours on the phone this morning.

Since 8:00 A.M. It is 11:00 and I do not have a call yet. It has been the most frustrating morning. Your calls kept going to Costa Rica and I was placed on hold and kept coming back to ask me questions that should be in already in your system.

Example: Is this a new installation? Or asking me if it was not a Supra Technician that did the Job? What do I care? I called Supra for an installation. Supra is going to bill me! All I care is that SUPRA fixes this lousy job.

Pembroke Pines, Florida

Company: Supra Telecom
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pembroke Pines
Phone: 3055396697
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