OneStar Long Distance, Inc
OneStar long distance carrier is a problem

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I started out with LDDS with no problems. Then USTel bought them out and had no problems. But when OneStar took over USTel, it all began!!! From about Sept 1999 until Nov 1999 my statement showed a Dec 1999 I received a statement with my credit wiped off. I called the company and they told me that they wiped out all credits and cleaned their database. I was annoyed and requested them to put it back! (which they did) I also told them that the name on the statement was incorrect and asked them to change it as it was no longer a business. To this day it is NOT changed. I started using the 10-10-811 prefix as I got better rates with it than my long distance carrier which apparently they didn't like. I began to have problems dialing out using the 10-10 number on my main line (I have three lines to my house) but could use it on a different line. (What's up?!) I called my Pac Bell who bills me for the 10-10 calls and they had trouble clearing the problem. They told me that 'my long distance carrier had put a block on my phone so I couldn't use the 10-10 dial string'. By that time I was livid! While all this is going on, in Jan I receive a statement for $625.00 from OneStar on the second line in my house which is a dedicated line for my internet and my fax. (I stressed!!!) The statement was for calls made in Nov & Dec 1999. I called them and asked them how I could have over $600 of calls when I showed a credit those months??? I also told them that the number they are billing me for has never showed up on any of my bills in the past, I don't know who it is, and have never called it! They suggested I file a fraud report. I did in Feb. I still have late fees and charges added every month to my account and have tried to clear up this problem for over six months. When I call they just tell me it's in the fraud claim department and to check back. As of Aug my phone bill is over $700 and I can't seem to get any help from them. AT one time I was billed MCI World Com charges and when I called and told them I didn't have MCI, I was told that if their lines are all busy, it will transfer to another companies lines so the call can be made, but then you are paying for the other companies charges.

AVOID THEM! If you see them coming, RUN AWAY!!!

Company: OneStar Long Distance, Inc
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Evansville
Address: 7100 Eagle Crest Bldv, STE B
Phone: 8008783505
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OneStar Long Distance, Inc
Not worth dealing with

Z-Tel Communications
Inc ripoff!

OAN - USA Voicemail
OAN Long Distance Billing On Behalf Of USA Voicemail ripoff added $19.95 to my current bill This is long distance slamming and has replaced my previous long distance company. I never authorized any long distance on my phone RIPOFF

And MCI Slamming Verizon removed my long distance carrier freeze without authorisation and added MCI

Reduced Rate Long Distance, LLC
Long Distance slamming, replaced my previous long distance carrier. Unauthorized charges, failure to credit these false charges

Telecom USA
Bad service

OAN Services
Unauthorized Charges Internet

Ripoff Tellis One Call Comm


Fraudulent activity