ZOTES Products
Ripoff BAD seed and NO accountability!

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So, I saw a new brand of sunflower seeds at the corner store. I decided to give them a try because of something I read on the package: "More flavor. Better seeds." This particular batch was Dill Pickle flavored. When I got home and opened the bag for a taste, I was appalled and sickened by the experience! The seeds are obviously of the poorest quality (even worse than the cheap seeds). The flavor... Something like what a dead horse might taste like! I'm not foolin'. I couldn't even finish the few I put in my mouth.

I went to the website, which is nothing more than a flash-player flick that doesn't even load up on my old computer. I called the company to find that they don't answer their phone (big surprise) and each extension I tried from the main menu yielded only voicemail ogm's. I finally left a message for them to call back, but will they? I just want someone to know they have a dead horse stuck in the automated machinery.

Company: ZOTES Products
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 722 South 5300 West
Phone: 8017460640
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