Duke Energy Formerly Cinergy - CBCS - TransUnion - Experian - Equifax
Duke Energy - Cinergy Fraudulent claims and erroneous credit reporting as well as refused removal after proof provided ripoff

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In early I rented a property (Address A) and my electricity and gas was provided by Duke Energy (Cinergy as it was known at the time).in late I moved in to a different property with my girlfriend.in we were married and purchased a house.

In apparently whomever lived at the first address (Address A) stopped paying their bill. It wasn't until 2004 or 2005 that I first found out about this because there was a collection account on MY credit report.

I have made numerous phone calls to both the collection agency as well as Cinergy trying to clear up this problem. When Duke Energy acquired Cinergy, it seems that the collection agency changed. It is now CBSS. They want to start an argument every time I call so I no longer do this.

I am told that my name was the last on record so it is my debt. I have proven through many forms of documentation (other utility bills, bank statements, and much more) that I clearly did not live at that address for years prior to the delinquency.

They say I didn't cancel the service and I say I did. I cancelled all of my other services, why would I neglect to cancel the most expensive monthly bill? Either way, neither of us can prove that the other is right or wrong. I told them I would try to track down who the debtor is (something I shouldn't have to do) but they said even if someone called up and said it was their debt, the marks would remain on my credit report.

I contacted the landlord of the property, but he didn't keep records on the person there at that time and said that she split on him too without paying for three months rent. He had no lead on her location.

I filed disputes with all three credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion). All three "verified" the debt by contacting the collection agency. Verifiying the debt is impossible since it is not a legitimate debt. This is why they are also in this report. They also state that they will not disclose their communication with the creditor (collection agency) so I cannot even determine how they "verified" the impossible to verify debt.

My credit is still well into the 600's even with this collection account on there, but just the same it is the reason I have been declined credit for some credit cards and have higher interest rates on others. I am currently obtaining a mortgage for a new home. My rate will be slightly higher because of this account. Over 30 years, this will cost me over $20,000. Of course I would refi after the account is removed from my credit report, but even that has thousands in closing fees.

This year I hired an attorney to help with this matter. We decided to take the approach that there was no signature proving that the debt was mine. And there are no recorded phone calls either, at least not back that far. So, we requested this information from the collection agency. They were unable to provide this information. We then sent letters insisting they remove this from my credit report. They did not.

We then sent the letters, along with all proof that the debt couldn't possibly be mine to all three credit bureaus. Experian simply responded with something to the effect of this debt has been previously verified and no change. This would be from when I disputed this claim online years ago.

TransUnion followed shortly thereafter that they contacted CBCS and verified the debt. Again, impossible, but that was the result. I would greatly appreciate any advice anyone has to offer!

In this area, you don't have much choice but to use Duke Energy for electricity and gas, but when you move to your next residence, be insistent on receiving a letter stating that the account is closed. That is good practice anyway and a lesson I have learned the hard way.

Company: Duke Energy Formerly Cinergy - CBCS - TransUnion - Experian - Equifax
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnati
Address: 139 E 4th St
Phone: 5134219500
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