Sprint Pcs
Unauthorized autopay withdrawal x's twice the amount due Ripoff Internet

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I went ahead and made my payment to sprint as I always do, log on to my account, give my bank info and send payment. Afterwards, I checked to see if it had posted to my account.

It said payment "recieved" $195.30 and a credit of $195.30 for a total of $390.60.

I call them and asked what the @#$%? They informed me they took my payment through autopay, which I never signed up for. They tell me we'll go ahead and fix that right now. Now What about my greenage? Oh we can't give that back. We will put that towards your next months bill. Like most people, (i think) i don't have an extra 195.30 to float sprint until next month. Reallizing it wasn't this ladys fault the company she works for hasn't gotten one bill, or service issue right since I signed a 2 year agreement with them 7 months ago, I nicely asked for a number I could call and talk to some body to get my money back. She gave me a fax number to call, stating my claim and I should get my money back in 7 to 10 buisiness days, meanwhile several checks have came through my bank with NSF Charges totaling 125.00 and left me -86.42 in the hole. Sounds Like the kind of company I look forward to doing buisness with for the next 18 months

Company: Sprint Pcs
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: sprintpcs.com
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Ripoff—fraudulent check# and amount Fayetteville, North Carolina