Direct TV
Fraudulent advertising and billing ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

I subscribed to Direct TV in June with a promise that as of January 1, I would have in excess of 100 HD stations to view. I pay $110.95 a month for their "HD" package.

As of April 4, I have SEVEN (7) HD stations. I have been told repeatedly that the additional HD Stations would be available in January, then March and now, today, I am told "well, we are still having meetings and it will be in the future".

I spoke to a "so called Supervisor" named "J.C.", Jaycee? Who informed me that she had no boss, no supervisor and I would have to speak to her. She was arrogant, refused to give me a Corporate Office telephone number to call and made no effort to answer my questions.instead she was insulting, rude, arrogant and very poorly informed.

There MUST be someone out there that knows how to STOP the lies and empty promises that Direct makes. I switched from another Dish Company based on the PROMISE that I would be getting many HD stations. I purchased a large LCD, flat screen HD television in anticipation of having what was promised to me.

Someone needs to take on Direct TV and stop their fraudulent advertising and lies. There MUST be a way to get out of the contract and go to a Company who has some level of integrity!

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
State: California
City: El Segundo
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Direct TV
Channels offered we cut off

Direct TV
Their lies

Direct TV has lied, committed fraud from day one with us

Direct TV has quit showing our local channels, without any notice

Direct TV
Agreement break

Direct TV
Ad service, over a year they take money from my card

Direct TV
Steer clear - Direct TV hurts!

Direct TV
Unsatifactory service

Direct TV
Wrong Information

Direct TV
Unfair billing practice!