They send fulse billings for a non existing company called granet emergency physic Georgia

Shops, Products, Services

They send out phony billing letters for $145 and up always in the rounded numbers never with change.
They told me they bought a mailing list from another creditor and my name was listed.

I called them several times only to be placed on hold until i got tired of waiting each time and hung up, each time was over 20 minuts each. So i searched the internet for the two companies and found they dont exist.

They are a scam company who relies of people to send payment in order to stop them from calling.
Dont pay them contact the better business burral in the state the billing address company is listed.

Company: Assetcare
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilington
Address: Po Box 15379
Phone: 8664293592
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Assetcare, Inc
Fraudulent Attempt to Collect a Non-Existent Debt

Assetcare, Inc
Sent a notice to collect $89.40 from AT&T from over 10 years ago

Assetcare, Inc
Assetcare inc Crooks

Assetcare, inc
Claiming bogus medical bill 536.00 from jan. 2004 for x ray in emergency room I called billing department at columbia and was told I owe nothing. I had never received any notice of any money owed until assetcare sent their debt notice 4 years later

Assetcare, Inc
Assetcare employee raises red flag herself, that this is a scam company
Ripoff, fraud, dishonest, stole, thief's, fraudulent billing, lying

Asset acceptance - nco beyond the sol! Inquiry on my credit report 7/13 NOT OK WITH ME!

Nco - Assetcare
Harrasing me with calls everyday and letters

Assetcare Inc., InoVision, A NCOP Company, LLC
Assetcare Inc. And/or InoVision, A NCOP Company, LLC Assetcare, Inc. And InoVision trying to collect on cancelled debts

Assetcare, Inc
Asset Care Inc is a big scam