The Logo Loft
Incompetence or a Ripoff — Does it Really Matter? They Can't Delive

Shops, Products, Services

I must confess to having a similiar experience with this company as the person filing the report on this same day. Hmmm... Perhaps they're going under at The Logo Loft?

It has now been ONE MONTH, and I have yet to receive a simple $89 logo which I thought I would have within a week or two. I actually don't mind the one month wait. It the total lack of communication these past two weeks that irks me. I submitted my revisions two weeks ago - have called and emailed the office in every way possible with no response.

The initial draft which they made for me was similar to the story which the guy from Chantilly, VA tells. The initial draft was AWFUL. They didn't follow half of my instructions.

They may or may not be a ripoff. But they certainly can't seem to deliver on what they promise.

I plan to ask for a refund, and if I can't get it within 10 days I will work through my credit card company to contest the charge.

Company: The Logo Loft
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Montgomery
Address: 6989 Halcyon Park Drive
Phone: 3343568902
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The Logo Loft, Inc
They are a scam and will not deliver as promised, they keep your money, period

1st Logo Design
Jess F Moreno Online Logo design won't finish logo or complete revisions in timely manner STAY AWAY!

Logo Loft
I paid Logo Loft to design a 5 page website, they took my money and I have nothing!

Logo Design Guru
Does not do what they advertise and are a RIPOFF

The Logo Loft
Contract Breach

Innovative Eye Design / Jeremy Vanslambrouck
Empty promises - no results

Logo Design Guru
My dog designs better logos on the grass and "satisfaction guaranteed"... Until you actually have a problem (and you will)

The Logo Loft
Worst company I have ever delt with ripoff

Logo Design Guarantee, Terrible clip art, didn't follow "no ask refund" policy

Best Logo Creation
They don't believe in total satification at all and steal money