PlamaNet Inc.
PlamaNet Fraudulent and Misleading, Takes advantage of Visually Disabled, Uncoropative, Money Explotation, unauthorized bank withdraws

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Free Lotto takes advantage of consumers in every way possible, and even the Disabled, whom get the worse of it. I am a visually Blind person who has on numorous accounts written and replied to freelotto with no reply.

I have talking software in which my computer relay's what is on my screen, the notices I recieved all state that I'm a winner on several occations but declines to inform you on which day and #'s won.

I have several e-mails stating this dating back to May 29th until present. I've written them informing them of my sight and ask for additional help.

This company is Misleading, financial exploits money, declines to payout winnings or give more information for those whom need it. They are the biggest internet scandels.

This company needs to be brought to justice before more unexpecting consumers fall into thier grips. They should be held accountable for thier actions.

They should be shamed by the world for taking advantage of the handicaped and disabled, they know they're on a limited income but they're just greedy.

This company is in my opion the biggest most uncoroppative, misleading, money exploting, fraudulent company and should be ashamed of taking advantage of Blind People.

So far I've been billed every month since May 29th until present, twice a month one being $9.99/month and $14.99/month and only claim a seven dollar win.

Now I see why people are angry and want thier money back I'm sure glad I saved every email I ever got from them it's almost up to Five Hundred give or take.

They said you win this much, but when you check your numbers agaist the winning numbers it makes you wonder how you won when most of the time it shows you only got 1 out of six or at the most 4 out of six.

It's come to my attention that the reason they do not list the date or the winning numbers in thier e-mails is so you can not prove the so call winning numbers therefore you have not leg to stand on.

Company: PlamaNet Inc.
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: Grand Central Station
  <     >  

Freelotto Changed Winning Numbers AFTER I matched All Numbers!

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The company has billed my cc 4 times with out my knowledge also even when numbers did hit I was never given any money New York internet
Big Cheaters you freelotto: you must pay prizes you tell to us Ripoff

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PlasmaNet, Inc. Freelotto ripoff No reply to winning numbers that I had to the million dollar drawing

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Free out of sight! I paid & they ripped me off

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Falsly creating the impression that you have won high amounts and not reading help requests ripoff

Freelotto is a SCAM! They should be shut down! New York
Ripoff will stop sending results to email have no phone and will not respond to e-mails cannot unsubscribe!