Afni Collections
Sent a collection notice for almost 500 dollars saying it was a debt owed from 1993- 1996

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Afni Collections sent me a collection notice stating I owed almost 500 dollars to them for a telephone bill from 1993-1996
they have my husbands social security number and the address we lived in at that time. This is NOT our account. Please help

Company: Afni Collections
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: PO Box 3427
Phone: 8663081160
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Afni Collections Inc
Verizon False Collection Notice AFNI sent a collection notice for a non-existent account

AFNI, Afni Collections rip off

Afni Collections
Phony bill!

Afni, Inc
Afni, verizon communications fraudalent collection notice from verizon communications ripoff

Afni Collections
Fraud and cheating!

Collections agency or scam artists?

Another Fake Debt Collection

Mwi Essentials
Ripoff unauthorized charge, where did they get my account # nothing was ever orderd from them hartford

A fraudulent company which steals credit card numbers & charges several "small" amounts, which they hope will go undetected. They must be stopped..!

Afni, Inc
Trying to collect charges for unrecognized telephone number from 11 years ago and can't produce information on validity of collection