JC Penny
Credit Card, Gender Profile, WOMEN GIVEN LESS CREDIT ripoff

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Filed online Customer service email:
http://www4. Jcpenney.com/jcp/emailus. Aspx? VID=&Email=

Made call to JC Penny customer service 1-972-431-8500. Said file online Customer service email, meanwhile they would "check into things and we would hear back in 48 hours"

JC Penney Home Office
6501 Legacy Drive
Plano, Texas 75024
(972) 431-1000

Made call to JC Penny corporate 1-505-890-6162. Said would respond "soon".

Letter sent asking for reason of different treatment (gender prejudiced):


JC Penny
Attn; Credit Services
P.O. Box 981131
El Paso TX 79998-1131
20 September

Subject: Account 140 190 xxx x x

In August I applied for a JC Penny credit card. When JC Penny ran the 3 credit reports, I am sure they showed three things:

-I had $xxx, xxx. 00 in 2 accounts.
-I have an excellent credit rating (I have never had a credit mishap).
-I make $xx, xxx in yearly salary.

I was approved for $500 limit. It caused some laughter for our 20 year old son, Jerry V. Jr, whom 2 weeks prior you approved for several hundred dollars more than I (I am 42 years old).

So off we went to JC Penny to buy several thousand dollars worth of window dressings for our new house. I was sure a mistake had been made, and the JC Penny employee offered to call and get my limit raised. It was denied. I had her call again. It was denied, and "you will get a letter in the mail". I was so humiliated with the 4 employees and several customers.

My husband of 23 years, Jerry V. Sr on the spot applied for a card. I was openly skeptical to all who would hear me.
After all, we have shared all bills, all bank accounts, all residences, all credit cards, EVERYTHING is intermingled. And we make just about the same salary. You could not have 2 more alike people, except he is a "Mr.". Oh, and I have a higher credit rating, as the mortgage company had recently run a credit report and lauded our high scores.

You can imagine my further humiliation when he was approved immediately for $2000.

I have been advised there are many things I can do with this situation, but I wanted to ask you, JC Penny, first. Why did this happen?

Company: JC Penny
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
Address: 6501 Legacy Drive
Phone: 5058906162
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