Spiegel charge/fcnb bank
Ripoff outlandish ripoff late fees

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This is actually in regards to my moms bill, a senior citizen, on may 23 she mailed her spiegel payment that was due on june 2, she has never been late a day since she has opened this account, because of holiday in there they did not reveive the check (so they say) untill june 3rd 2002.. She rcvd her bill for the next month and lord and behold a $35.00 late fee.

I figured no problem i will call and talk to them and no problem. Boy was i wrong, they said they would have to send it in to billing for consideration for wavier, if she was late every month i would understand, but 1 day 1 time in several years, well we received the letter from billing stateing according to the agreement she had signed that there would be no wavier, si I called back. They agreed that sh had never been late on a payment and that it was because of a credit rateing that she was denied the wavier,

I then asked for a copy of the denial that whendenied credit i should be able to get a free copy of the report, but said they could not send that.

I then asked again for the charge to be waved she said because of the federal goverment they are not allowed to wave the fee, I then asked for the phone number of the govt office that took care of that she said well it wasnt the govt it was there office well as you can figure i got quite dizzy talking to this person, this is not the first time they tried to rip her off, they also charged her 90.00 for some kind of cooking club that they were more then happy to credit when i said it was not ordered. Well i figured if a company is os hard up for money they did not need any more of ours and have cancelled her account, which was told well that is your choice not ours, so much for cusomer satisfaction.

Well hopefully we can still get this taken care of and noone else falls into there prey of ripping off senior citizens for 1 day late. But the way everything she has ordered has taken several months to get, im told they are not responsible for the speed of the mail fo figure they use my line and the real kicker. 3 days later she got a new catlogue saying you are such a good customer, and handle your account so well we have increased your credit limt.

Well if you have a spiegle account get rid of it or allow 3 weeks for mail

O'Fallon, Illinois

Company: Spiegel charge/fcnb bank
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Beaverton
Address: 9310 s w gemini dr
Phone: 8009254976
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