Sprint PCS
Having a service for 5 years, Sprint still extending my contract without my consent Dont Know

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I am really tired of Sprint scams.
I have had their service for 5 years, hence my contract expires in August. Last june i bought a new phone and spent $480.00. Without changing anythign. I have never ever changed my service plan and I even had a email from their corporate offices apologizing how it is not right and that my contract shoudl expire by June. Misteriously that got converted in Aug.

I no more can handle their rude customer service representatives. Everyone changing the stories... You call them today; you ll hear one thing, you call them 1 hour later they have a different story. And by the way you plan changes overnight. To my biggest surprise I got a bill of $463.00 for this last month talkign only to my other phone. (two phones on same account) never paid a bill that was over $100 and all of the sudden this huge bill hit me. The only thing they said it was you DONT have mobile to mobile. Why in the world would i have two phones. Tell me someone; Am I that stupid or I dotn know who holds my head.

Today I decided to cancel the service. I step on my $500 dollar phone and I made sure I cannot ever use it again (gee I was so upset)
I am calling everyone in US for a class action law suit against Sprint PCS. Iam sure I m not the only one with this issue.

I just dont think I can come up with $800.00 to cancel my phone service. It is a rip off over every ripoffs on earth. I knew once my supposed service contract ends somethign is going to come up and boy was i right.

I am calling everyone along with interested lawfirms to get together to support and stop this cellular scam once for all.

I am tired of talking to them., I am realy tired.

Company: Sprint PCS
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 7148912750
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