Survey H

Shops, Products, Services

On Oct 11th my card was charged $15.99 for CSI*STAMPS I did not know anything about this charge. I contacted my bank and they said I would have contact the company.

I contacted the company office today and waited almost an hour to talk to a very rude individual on the phone. He said he was Customer Service I think that is suitable for this company.

I was informed that i had filled out a survey and they received this info from that. Not sure when that happened but I have filled out surveys. He said I could cancel the program by saying so and they would charge me another $15.99. I said NO WAY. Then said I could not cancell. They were vendors for the USPS. I told him I had received nothing from them no services NOTHING Then he told me again they would take $15.99 out of my account today when i cancelled. I told him NO!

Not sure if they can or not but called my bank who said the only way i could clear this up was to change all my card info or pay the bank $32.00 to stop payment. I pay my bills with this card on a monthly basis i would have to change a lot of info. So $15.99 is cheaper but I do not want to do this. I have already been charged $15.99 I did not owe. Help

Company: Csi*stamps.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8884340055
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Ap9 Shopping Essentials
Charged my credit card without my knowledge and, or authorization. They said i filled out a application under restaurant.com survey, and arthorized them to charge my account. Based In Illinois

Charged monthly fees for services never used and never intended to use!

SCI. Stamps.com
Charged my debit card without authorization a total of $17.99. Www.SCI

Sci Stamps.com
Provided no product or services and charged my bank of america credit card each month

Website does not exist! Without my consent company charged my debit card

Stamps.com Makes Unauthorized Charges on Credit Cards

Fraudently charged me for stamps that I never ordered Interent

Unauthorized charges after repeatedly cancelling service Internet

Stamps.com Is A Ripoff

Clickbank.com And American Consumer Poinion Alliance
Ripoff: Signed up for survey group, clicked on registration box, was asked ccard info, charged 39.95. Original Co. Said 'free'