Royal British Lotto, Zenith Financial Management Group

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I thought I had won until I took the check I recieved in the amount of $2,998.80 to the bank. The lady there imformed me that the check was probably fake although it looked very real, so I came home and checked on the internet and thank god I did because the money they said I won coudn't have come at a better time. So you can imagine how I felt when I found this page. These people need to fry for what they are doing, it is very cruel to get someones hopes up then smash them. I hope this is helpful to anyone who reads this. And I'm willing to do anything in my power to help bring these crooks to justice!!!

Company: Royal British Lotto, Zenith Financial Management Group
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Edmonton
Address: 10111 Belamy Hill, Ste 404
Phone: 7806953243
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Financial Management Group/british Random Lotto
ZENITH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Financial / british Random Lotto ripoff WINNIPEG, MB R3C 3J2 british

Royal British Lotto - Zenith Financial Management Group
Sent fake check for 1997.80 claiming it was to aid in payin international clearance fees and i had won a total of 115,500.00

ROYAL BRITISH LOTTO ADVICS North America, Inc DONNA RICHARDS Of Gateway Financial Management Group
ROYAL BRITISH LOTTO ADVICS North America - DONNA RICHARDS Of Gateway Financial Management Group ripoff make people think they are rich how cruel

Zenith Financial Management Group - Tony Rogers
Fake Lotto Winnings from Zenith Financial Management Group Natick

Royal British Lotto, Zenith Financial Management Group

Lisa Rogers - John Lawson - Zenith Financial Management
Ripoff They lied and tried to get me to cash a lotto check for $2,998.50 then remitt it over to them with the expectation of recei ving the approved lump sum of $115,500.00 for being the winner of the Royal British Lotto ticket

British Random Lotto
Royal British Lotto, Said I won British Random Draws International held in London, England. Sent me a fake check. Ripoff

Bonanza 2000, zenith Financial Group, royal British Draws
Bonanza zenith Financial Group, royal British Draws sent me a check of $2994.80 i called susanadams @204-951-5239 and said the check was mine to deposit it in my ck acct i have won. No obligations of any kind she said i won fair and square

Royal Irish Lotto - Zenith Financial Management Group - Tina Rogers -Irish Mega Lotto-Jackson Dawson
Bonanza 2000 - Royal Irish Lotto - Zenith Financial Management Group - Tina Rogers - Irish Mega Lotto -Jackson Dawson check fraud claiming large sum winnings, But The Envelope Was Postmarked ripoff Canada

British Random Lotto