The DVD Wholesaler
In Draper UT is a fruadulent setup to ripoff customer thedvdwholesale

Shops, Products, Services is a fraudulent setup. They will take your order, give you a phony discount. Then never respond to your contact. 4 weeks passed and they never responded to 4 emails and 4 phone messages. This is dangerous because these people have your credit card number.

Please take these step to help put these jerks out of business. 1) Report them to the Better Business Bureau. The local chapter will do an investigation. 2) Report them

This is an internet crime website that is affilliated with the FBI. They will take your complaint and forward it to Local law enforment. 3) Consumer Protection Agency also takes Internet Crime complaints. These jerks are still operating. The more complaints filed, the better chance we have of removing them off the internet and putting them out of business.

Pasco, Washington

Company: The DVD Wholesaler
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Draper
Address: 451 Caroline Day Cove
Phone: 8016495763
  <     >  

Daniel Latimer Company is not legit, they are running a fraudulent business to scam you out of money

Devon S Howard, Dsh Housing Group, Quality Wholesale Homes,, Dsh
Goldbilt, DSH Scamming lots of people in many states! Des Moines, Iowa

Unlimited Local Savings
ZAAZOOM Solutions, LLC Unlimited Local Savings - ZAAZOOM Solutions, LLC - DECEPTIVE THEIFS, withdrawing un-authorized money from accounts, Internet Fraud Scottsdale

Simplicity Group
Simplx - ripoff Fraudulent advertising
Consumer Report

The DVD Wholesaler
What a ripoff! They took my order, charged me immediately and never sent the DVDs. And you can't contact them

Better Business Bureau
Consumer Report

NovaPointe LLC
FBI To Visit NovaPointe LLC ripoff - FBI contact info

Mall Of Action
Consumer Report