Deceptive, theft, unethical, rude, misrepresented, backstabbing, S.O.B.'s, liars, insensitive, cold, ripoffs, thieves, bullsh

Shops, Products, Services

We have been Sprint customers since 1999, We run a successful Real Estate company. We purchase new phones every year to keep up with the technology.in the past four years the phones cost us $3200.00 ($400.00 x 2 = $800.00 x 4yrs = $3200.00) and we paid for these outright. We have always kept the plan with the most minutes $150.00 a mo. X 12 = $1800.00 x 4yrs = $7200.00. And these are low averages because at times we went over. We never complained of all the dropped calls or fussed about the times we had to call and remind Sprint we never had text messeging or the voice activated calling (which the phones allready had!) and had to cancel those bogus services which they applied without our knowledge, more than once. It gets better; We were on vacation in April of this year and I purchased a Motorola handsfree device for $120.00 cash at a Sprint store and was told I could return for a full refund within 30days. I called Sprint and they told me to take the device (still in the original package which looked unopened) to the nearest store for your refund. I went to three stores and they all sent me to the nearest store for my quick refund, and have a good day sir! I called the corporate store in Sacramento and they said to call *2 talk. They said to take the device to the nearest store and they would be glad to help you with your refund, I said I already did that, they said "let me put you on hold for a minute" I said " o.K." 7.5 minutes later a different person is on the phone, "Hello sir, how can I help you?" (after you give them your damn information again) I said "I want to return this handsfree device" I explain the whole ordeal again, their response is "Sir can I put you on hold for 1 minute?" they come back on the phone 3.5 minutes later and tell me they need to transfer me to the accessory dept. (SH*T) 5 min. Later "Hello sir can I have your ten digit phone number starting with area code" (SH*T) I explain everything again, She starts to tell me to take it to the nearest store, I politely asked for the ing superviser, "1 minute Mr.*" 6.5 minutes later someone gets on the phone, " sir we will send out a bubble package and you will be refunded when we recieve the device". Two weeks later I call Sprint (same * frinkin run around) We don't know what your talking about, three transfers later, they say, we have not recieved the package, I told them it was an overnite package they sent and I sent it the very day we recieved the package, how can it take two weeks overnite? For the next three months we go round and round, I still have not recieved our $120.00! We got a Metro PCS and called Sprint to cancel our phones, "Why do you wish to cancel, Sir?" my genuine response was "BECAUSE SPRINT SUCKS" and I hung up. Not very professional, but where do you draw the line? We promptly received the Sprint bill $345.93, $150.00 x 2 = $300.00 Roaming charges (which we never had before) $26.04, taxes, surcharges and fees $20.15. I would hope that anyone with sprint would see the light and get out while you can, there are always alternatives. And I did not bash any phone people, because they are programed. It is amazing when you sit down and add up the phones and charges and see how much you actually pay over time, and then they treat you like SH*T.

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
Site: sprintpcs.com
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Sprint Pcs
Don't use!

400$ stolen by sprint, sent 2 "free" phones. Charged 200$ per phone but never used them Overland Park

Sprint can't help (stop using sprint)

Charged me for phones that were supposed to be free

PCS Cellular deceptive ripoff billing practices company

Sprint PCS
Theft's and liars sprint lies and steals from their customers

Forced to upgrade

Sprint PCS

Consumer Report

Sprint Nextel Corporation Won't Stand Behind Its Products