Kirby Vacuums Salesperson

Shops, Products, Services

450$ a week ad in the paper. Went to the 3days of UNPAID training. They said we would have a 1000$ signon bonus after 30days of working there without missing a day. Its 6days a week... From 9am to??? (they said the time varies) but the earliest anyone has got out of there was 10pm... Most of the time midnight though. They also said it was 450 a week PLUS commision, and that there would be NO knocking on doors. We had to pull 15demo's a week to get the 450... And the appointments will already be set up for us. It was me and my boyfriend that did the training, and i didn't go to the first day of work because we were suspicious about it and didn't want both of us to get screwed over. So he just went... Thats where he is right now actually.

He called me to tell me he was being made to knock on people's doors, something we were told we would NOT have to do. He was also told that its 450 a week OR commision... Not both. Another LIE! 15minutes later i get a call, he tells me him and another new guy are stuck in the pouring rain in the middle of nowhere. (he left his car down colonial at the building down there... And then they went in a company van to KISSIMMEE!) yes... They take them all the way to kissimmee to do this. Hmm i wonder WHY. So you can't just leave when you realize its a bunch of bulls*t. So now he is stuck there until midnight at the least, and when he called the manager van driver to get picked up... She didn't care. Oh yea... Lunch is bologna sandwiches. This place is a huge scammmmmmmmm.

Company: Kirby Vacuums Salesperson
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: East Colonial Drive
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Golden Circle
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