Carr And Associates - Chris Carr - Kirby
Ripoff! Wrongful termanation, non payment


I started working for this KIRBY company with the intentions i was gonna get paid. I took Chris to my families homes and literally begged them to by a kirby cause i thought i was gonna get some comission off this. Little did i no this thief was gonna fire me and take my money.

The 2nd day i worked there i made 2 sells for him, the 3rd day he made me a team leader told me i would make 600 a week, HAHAHA what a joke. Well he gave me a script and sent me to pick up this kid and go in the neighborghood knocking on doors, no training no nothing.

Well of course we made no sells no one would let us in there homes of course i wouldnt either. Well a week of this goes by and he sends us out again well come 12 noon we take a lunch for a hr and he calls me and tells me to take my kirby to this kids house i was fired. For what? Eating i guess...

Company: Carr And Associates - Chris Carr - Kirby
Country: USA
State: Kansas
City: Hutchinson
Address: 1108 W 4th
Phone: 6206690825
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Kirby / Oregon/Tin Inc
Kirby Company, Oregon Tin Inc. Ripoff/well would have! They are taking advantage of these young kids

Kirby Manuel Cusell
I've Got Ripoff By Kirby Manuel Cusell ripoff, lie, irresponsible Heard It Moved Out Of The USA For Whatever Reason

Sold me a reburbished Kirby Diamond for $600 with no handle that was not refurbished

South bay distributing (kirby vaccums)
South Bay Distributing (kirby vaccums) ripoff scam artists, greedy, lying people who endanger lives ripoff artists fraud ripoff con-artists took us for all we had ripoff deception bohemia

Dyro Productions - D.P.I. - Kirby - Danial Blalock
My "promotion" to team leader was another way to scam me out of my 2k

The Kirby Vacuum
Kirby vac does not work like said, A SKAM. Price at $1995.00. A 49.95 Eureka worked better

Made my carpet filthy

ESG, Inc./Kirby
ESG, Inc./ Kirby Misleading Information in interview and in training

Scam, liars, shisters, thiefs, con men etc

The Kirby Company
Kirby needs to update their product