Cbcs - Bellsouth
Ripoff multiple agencies none succesfull

Shops, Products, Services

Several years ago I decided to subscribe to high speed internet. Bellsouth being a very large company with a good reputation at the time seemed like a good choice.

I subscribed to their Fast Access DSL Service.

They sent me a modem, several filters, and some telephone cables, which I installed myself and activated the service.

Big mistake!!!

Occasionally the service worked as promised. Most of the time it did not, and I had to spend several hours every week trying to get the service to operate as stated.

They even sent one of their techs to my home to find out what was wrong. The connections I made were all correct and the the signal coming to the modem was of the proper strength. He could find nothing wrong.

But two days later I was back on the phone trying to get the system to work. Again my efforts were futile.

After two months of this I finally decided that I had enough.
I called Bellsouth and cancelled the service and offered to return the modem and filters to Bellsouth.

I was told that they did not need the modem returned, and for me to keep it.

Since that time, I have received many attempts from Bellsouth and many collection agencies to collect payment for the price of the modem. CBCS is only the latest of about fifteen total agencies.

Each time I receive a notice I compose a letter expaining that I refuse to pay for a service that Bellsouth was not able to deliver succusfully.

Sometimes the letters stop. But most times they continue, even to the point of them calling as late as 9:00 PM.

I even ask them to take me to court to attempt to collect, but warn them that I will counter sue for my costs of going to court, including court fees, attorney fees, time of work lost and harrasment awards.

I have had no takers.

If there is a class action suit being organized to stop this kind of frivolous action, I would be happy to participate.

Company: Cbcs - Bellsouth
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: P.O. Box 69
Phone: 8884130093
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