Dish Network
Ripoff, $100 rebate for 18 month contract is a scam! They refuse to honor their promotion, do not be fooled!

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In may I talked my husband into getting Dish Networks dish family package. We went into Radio Shack and ordered the service. After an hour the Radio Shack clerk told me that the sells rep from dish network wanted to talk to me on the phone. I took the phone and confirmed all of my information with the rep and was told that if I signed a 18 month contract I would recieve a 100 off my service that would b taken off in 100 increments over the next 10 months. I never sign contracts, however I believed that this was a good deal so I agreed to sign the contract. *note: Radio Shack had a promotion that gave me free installation so the 100 off was my only incentive to sign.

After 2 months I finally recieved my first bill and hello, I was being charged twice what I agreed. I called customer support and was told that I failed to fill out a rebate card and thus would not be recieving the rebate. I explained that I never recieved a bill until now and that this was the first time I had heard from them in two months. I then asked to speak to a manager and was refused. I demanded three times to speak to someone in charge and finally was hung up on. I then called back.

This time I was told that Radio Shack failed to complete their paper work and thus I would not recieve the credit. When I told them that this was the second story I have heard they finally agreed to let me speak to their superviser. The supervisor then told me that the 100 rebate I was told about was a radio shack promotion, not thiers. Finally I told them that I wanted to speak to cancelation. I was transfered and was then told that I would be charged 250 or more dollars if I cancelled. I told them that I signed the contract with the promise of a rebate and since they failed to uphold their end of the bargain, the contract should be void.

This person then told me that the 100 off only applied to the top 120 package or higher and that the representative should not have told me that. Duh. I then inquired about the contract she sold me and explained that I wouold not have signed it if it were not for their representatives lie. I then was told that it was not thier problem and was hung up on.

Yesterday I recieved an e-mail from dishnetwork and have noticed that they are again advertising the 100 rebate for ALL PACKAGES. This is clearly a scam designed to trick people into signing a contract and should be stopped. I have tried to contact dish network again and was again hung up on.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake
Phone: 8003332373
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