Aaron Pickard Downunderk9academy
Aaron Pickard - Downunderk9academy German Shepherd Dog I paid 4,000.00 for and NEVER recieved. He dropped out of contact. Found many, many more he has wronged ripoff

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I paid Aaron Pickard 4,000.00 on October 19 and he was to provide a bred female german shepherd dog that we would co-own, I would keep and whelps pups from, and he would sell the pups.

I sent him the money and he then claimed the dog that he was to get only ultrasounded with two pups and felt we would not be able to get our money back with that dog. He said he had another female that was almost ready to have pups. He was going to send her down with a friend of his that was driving "FEMA" trailers and would not have to fly her down. He claims he got the dog at at his house and had to go teach a "seminar" and was not able to ship her to me.

When I FINALLY got in touch with him again he said it was too close to her due date to ship her. At that time he stopped all contact with me. I sent many, many emails, left many, many phone messages trying to find out if the pups were born or not and he would NOT return any calls or send any messages. I tried for several months to contact him to no avail.

After nearly a year I acquired a detective, provided proof of loss, and have obtained a $35,000.00 warrant for him. A message was posted on the German Shepherd Pedigree Database in July where someone was looking for him who had lost money also. I then... And only then... Posted a message as to what my dealings had been with him and asked for anyone to send me any information they might have about this man, or about any dealings they may have had with him.

My email box started to flood and my phone began to ring off the wall with unhappy people with similar stories. Aaron Pickard then saw the message board and out of the clear, nearly a year later, called me stating he had been holding the bitch for me to come pick her up. Me picking her up was never an issue.

Many months after not being able to contact him I did send him a note telling him I was coming to visit with him (really b/c I did not believe he had the dog), and again, he NEVER responded. Please, anyone who may know of this man or anyone who may be investing in business with him BEWARE! He is a con artist! He will be caught in time.

Company: Aaron Pickard Downunderk9academy
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Shipshewana
Phone: 5746067177
Site: www.downunderk9academy.com
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