Verizon Wireless

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I am writing to express my outrage with your company. I have been a customer of VerizonWireless for numerous years. I will be the first to admit that I am late on paying my bill more than I am on time, but that was because I got use to paying 2 (two) bills at once and the amount wasn't that much. I have been contemplating changes services on many occasions because the quality of the phone is terrible. It should not matter if I pay $29.00 or $200.00 for a phone. It is a verizon product and you should stand behind your product. I have been with verizon for so long, because every time I go in for service on my phone, I'm told that the part I need is no longer available (charger or batteries), so I'm forced to go into another 2-year contract in order to have the proper service that I deserve to have as a verizon customer. My current phone, of course is falling apart. I can charge it up and use it once and the battery is completely dead. I have not turned the phone in because I want out of my contract, which is up in December.

I now have a very large bill because of incoming calls that I assumed were free because it was not explained to me that FREE INCOMING MEANS ONLY FROM OTHER VERIZON CUSTOMERS. I assumed that free incoming meant just that. I have been with you for years and have been under this assumption until I spoke with someone a couple of days ago and asked them about my plan. When I asked them about the plan, again I was told You have the 500 anytime and free incoming... So on and so forth. It wasn't until I asked the customer service representative why is my bill so HIGH, IF I HAVE FREE INCOMING. I was told Oh, that's only VERIZON to VERIZON. That explains why my bill is so high but it is truly unfair that this is not explained to you in the beginning. I was under the assumption that when your customer service representatives are stating FREE INCOMING, it means just that. So, am I to assume that they are trained to mislead the customer because other services offer free incoming and it means just that? I guess I can assume that verizon has to go through such measures to keep there customers. Your company has faulty equipment and trained customer service people to misconstrue the truth. It's funny that your advertisement say, We are everywhere you are. I would rather have a dropped call with an honest company than a drop call with a company who isn't on the up and up. Also, a good company would be concerned about the customer and not the money.

There should be a section of your company that monitors the bills and once they have noticed that a customer's bill is extremely high every month a consultant should call and suggest a change in the customers plan. This will also put them into another contract, but the customer wont mind because they are being treated like they are appreciated. This is how you keep your customers from crossing over to another company. Because of the misconstrued information given and because I have been with verizon for several years, some type of agreement should be made concerning my phone bill. Some money should be taken off because of the misinformation and service given.

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Silver Spring
Phone: 8009220204
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