Tp Supply
Office supplies from h

Shops, Products, Services

This company is a total scam-wonder what their payoff is???

I have just recently turned over the ordering of office supplies to a co-worker. While I was out for a couple days, she rec'd a call from this TP Supply and they had my name and told her, the new office supply buyer that she had all my preferences and knows what I normally order. SHAME ON THIS COMPANY!!! She was then sent a ton "A GROSS AMOUNT" of various stickys, pens, highlighters, etc. Enough to invoice us $7672.01 We are a small FAA Repair Station in Glendale and don't have $7000.00 in furniture, let alone the need for that much in office supplies. Once I got the billing, I could'nt believe my eyes. I went to her and asked her what the heck is THIS about and she ran the story down to me. I proceeded to call the "Company" and all I got was an answering machine. After stewing for another couple hours, I decided to call them back with a strongly worded voice message.

Apparently, this woman, (How does she sleep at night?) Patricia thought enough to call me back. I told her she needs to take this order back, that there was no way we would accept this. She said "Have you opened the boxes?" of which we had to find out what was in them, and I said "yes, What does that matter?" She told me that they only deal in Gross Quanities... They are GROSS! I cannot believe the low down business practice of this company-someone please tell me what their payoff could possibly be? At the end of our conversation, she agreed to send me labels to return them via UPS to them. If I don't receive the labels in a timely manner-I will call them again and let them know I will consider the OFFICE SUPPLIES FROM H*L a nice little gift for our small company. Shame on them!

Company: Tp Supply
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Ft. Mojave
Address: 4075 Arcadia Ln., Bldg A 3&4
Phone: 9287044900
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