T-Mobile Rebate Offer
So much runaround, delays and mistakes Where's my $50, Ripoff

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Don't buy into a T-Mobile rebate offer! Keeping up with their runaround is a part-time job. I filled out my T-Mobile $50 rebate request form immaculately after purchasing a RAZR phone earlier this year and made copies of everything for my files and thank god i did.

4-6 weeks later I receive a letter stating that they didn't receive the original sticker panel with barcode. I knew this was completely false and that I had mailed it so I called them and told them. I received a couple apologies right off the bat, they verified some info and then they told it would take another 4-6 weeks.

So why did I receive another letter 5 weeks later stating that my request can't be processed because my wireless number shows up as inactive? Funny since this is my primary phone line that I've had for years now! And I've paid all my T-Mobile bills on time.

So I call up Young America again and ask to speak to a manager and ask him why this process is so slow and why are so many mistakes made? He says there was some issue when I ported the number over from my last carrier to start the T-Mobile account in January. Looks like it'll be another 4-6 weeks wait for me! I'll keep you posted. It's no longer about the $50.

Company: T-Mobile Rebate Offer
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Young America
Address: P.O. Box 8340
Phone: 8773118853
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Wirefly Mobile
TMobile Motorola RAZR V3 In July I sent all documents needed to get the rebate and it is now Sept and they tell me they have not received my rebate forms. Their policy is that if they do not have the original UPC label than I am out of luck. Ripoff

Rebate Offer Lost rebate bar code sticker ripoff

Young America Excessive delays in fulfilling rebate for cell phone abused & mistreated slow processing ripoff

Rebate Not Told me will get rebate 6 to 8 wk instead said I need to add 14.99 plan then letter came in mail said 39.95 plan

Young America Rebate Program For T-Mobile
Rip-Off Rebate Scam!

Phone Rebate Scam

Wireless Advocates - T-Mobile Kiosk - Costco - Steven Severin
Mgr. Failed to honor rebate

Rebate ripoff Mail-in Rebate NEVER Received

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