Blue Haven Pools
Rude, dishonest, just do not care about you

Shops, Products, Services

Signed a contract with Blue Haven Pools on 01/24/06 and was told by Mike the salesman that it would be about six weeks before they could start to dig due to permits. After about 8 weeks I called Cynthia the Operations Manager and she said it was due to Marana being so backed up with permits. I called Marana and they did not even get it from Blue Haven untill 03/29/06 and they returned it to them on 04/27/06. Where was it from 01/24/06 - 03/29/06??? Nobody there seems to know. It is now 05/16/06 and they still have done nothing.

Every week they seem to have another excuse or promise they do not keep. We have contacted the Customer Service Dept at 1-800-543-3883 and after about a dozen phone calls to an answering machine got a real person who seemed sympothtic but did not even bother to call us back after she said she would investigate it and get back to us.

We have contacted the General Manager Glen and he just says if we told people 6 months insted of 6 weeks do you think they would sign a contract with us. My answer HELL NO! How do these people sleep with all the lies they tell. I guess the all mighty dollar takes place over honesty. Check the Better Business Bureau for the rating, I wish I had.

Company: Blue Haven Pools
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 1015 W Prince Rd
Phone: 5202926300
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Blue Haven Pools
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Blue Haven Pools
Dishonest company